SIMA 2022: feedback on a great success !

We were at SIMA 2022 and met some great people : thank you !

This year again, the International Agricultural Machinery Show was held in Villepinte and we were there, hall 6, surrounded by other agricultural innovations. Thank you for coming to see us!

Farmers, of course, but also suppliers, dealers, journalists and agricultural machinery manufacturers: we tried to answer everyone’s questions as best as we could.

The farmers came in droves, surprised and enthusiastic. It was a valuable opportunity for us to discuss their fears, opportunities and needs around Loadix. We are certain that our robot can be used for many purposes. It is up to us to finalize the developments in order to meet the expectations that were formulated during the exhibition

With the media, the interest is palpable, we have been lucky enough to be highlighted in the press – in France and abroad – with articles from Entraid, Web-agri and Plein Champs. You can also find interviews with Pierre Germanaud, Director of ManuRob and Guillaume Fanene, Robotics Project Manager on Réussir, Entraid ou PowerBoost. It is a very positive signal for us to see this public interest.

Recognition also came from peers, tractor manufacturers, start-ups and equipment manufacturers who came to study, question and praise the work done.

Finally, we had the honor of receiving Marc Fesneau, the Minister of Agriculture, on our stand, accompanied by an official delegation. His interest honors us and obliges us. We have a role to play in facing the challenges for agriculture!

Great encounters, moments of recognition for the team that has been working on this project for four years: this is what we will remember from our first SIMA!

Rencontre SIMA